A design implementation of Office Furniture Store app

Office store app 🏢

Office Furniture Store app is a design implementation of Office Furniture Store app designed by Mansuriosdev


PreviewList screenDetail ScreenCart Screen

🚀 Features :

• Three different implementations
• Display items on list item screen
• Display detail of each item on detail screen
• Hero animation for images when navigate fron list screen to detail screen
• Fade animation for list views
• Select quantity and color for each item
• Display item images using carousel slider
• Add desired item to favorite screen
• Add or delete item to cart
• Clear all itms from cart screen
• Automatically delete single item from cart by set its value to zero
• Real-time calculation of total price in the cart screen
• State management with GetX | cubit | bloc

Directory Structure (GetX version)

 |   │──app_asset.dart
 |   │──app_color.dart
 |   │──app_data.dart
 |   │──app_extension.dart
 |   │──app_style.dart
 |   └──app_theme.dart
     │    │──bottom_navigation_item.dart
     |    │──furniture.dart
     |    └──furniture_color.dart
     |    │───📂screen
     |    |   |──cart_screen.dart
     |    |   |──favorite_screen.dart
     |    |   |──home_screen.dart
     |    |   |──intro_screen.dart
     |    |   |──office_furniture_detail_screen.dart
     |    |   |──office_furniture_list_screen.dart
     |    |   └──profile_screen.dart
     |    │───📂widget
     |    |   |──bottom_bar.dart
     │    |   |──cart_list_view.dart
     │    |   |──color_picker.dart
     │    |   |──counter_button.dart
     │    |   |──empty_widget.dart
     │    |   |──furniture_list_view.dart
     │    |   |──fade_in_animation.dart
     |    |   └──rating_bar.dart

Directory Structure (Cubit version)

 │   │──app_asset.dart
 │   │──app_color.dart
 │   │──app_data.dart
 │   │──app_extension.dart
 │   │──app_style.dart
 │   └──app_extension.dart
     │    │───📂model
     │    │   |──bottom_navigation_item.dart
     │    │   |──furniture.dart
     │    │   └──furniture_color.dart
     │    │───📂repository
     │    │   └──repository.dart
     │    │───📂screen
     │    │   |──cart_screen.dart
     │    │   |──favorite_screen.dart
     │    │   |──home_screen.dart
     │    │   |──intro_screen.dart
     │    │   |──office_furniture_detail_screen.dart
     │    │   |──office_furniture_list_screen.dart
     │    │   └──profile_screen.dart
     │    │───📂widget
     │    │   |──bottom_bar.dart
     │    │   |──cart_list_view.dart
     │    │   |──color_picker.dart
     │    │   |──counter_button.dart
     │    │   |──empty_widget.dart
     │    │   |──furniture_list_view.dart
     │    │   └──rating_bar.dart
     │    │───📂animation
     │    │   └──fade_in_animation.dart

Directory Structure (Bloc version)

 │   │──app_asset.dart
 │   │──app_color.dart
 │   │──app_data.dart
 │   │──app_extension.dart
 │   │──app_style.dart
 │   └──app_extension.dart
     │    │───📂model
     │    │   |──bottom_navigation_item.dart
     │    │   |──furniture.dart
     │    │   └──furniture_color.dart
     │    │───📂repository
     │    │   └──repository.dart
     │    │───📂screen
     │    │   |──cart_screen.dart
     │    │   |──favorite_screen.dart
     │    │   |──home_screen.dart
     │    │   |──intro_screen.dart
     │    │   |──office_furniture_detail_screen.dart
     │    │   |──office_furniture_list_screen.dart
     │    │   └──profile_screen.dart
     │    │───📂widget
     │    │   |──bottom_bar.dart
     │    │   |──cart_list_view.dart
     │    │   |──color_picker.dart
     │    │   |──counter_button.dart
     │    │   |──empty_widget.dart
     │    │   |──furniture_list_view.dart
     │    │   └──rating_bar.dart
     │    │───📂animation
     │    │   └──fade_in_animation.dart

Directory Structure (Provider version)

 │   │──app_asset.dart
 │   │──app_color.dart
 │   │──app_data.dart
 │   │──app_extension.dart
 │   │──app_style.dart
 │   └──app_extension.dart
     │    │───📂model
     │    │   |──bottom_navigation_item.dart
     │    │   |──furniture.dart
     │    │   └──furniture_color.dart
     │    │───📂repository
     │    │   └──repository.dart
     │    │───📂screen
     │    │   |──cart_screen.dart
     │    │   |──favorite_screen.dart
     │    │   |──home_screen.dart
     │    │   |──intro_screen.dart
     │    │   |──office_furniture_detail_screen.dart
     │    │   |──office_furniture_list_screen.dart
     │    │   └──profile_screen.dart
     │    │───📂widget
     │    │   |──bottom_bar.dart
     │    │   |──cart_list_view.dart
     │    │   |──color_picker.dart
     │    │   |──counter_button.dart
     │    │   |──empty_widget.dart
     │    │   |──furniture_list_view.dart
     │    │   └──rating_bar.dart
     │    │───📂animation
     │    │   └──fade_in_animation.dart

Pull Requests

I welcome and encourage all pull requests. It usually will take me within 48-72 hours to respond to any issue or request.


NameCubit versionBloc versionGetX versionprovider versionflutter_bloc✔️✔️✖️✖️GetX✖️✖️✔️✖️provider✖️✖️✖️✔️flutter_hooks✔️✔️✖️✔️equatable✔️✔️✖️✔️smooth_page_indicator✔️✔️✔️✔️flutter_rating_bar✔️✔️✔️✔️simple_animations✔️✔️✔️✔️

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