A Flutter application designed to simplify the use of the desktop version of alist


Alist Helper is a software application developed using Flutter, designed to simplify the use of the desktop version of alist. It can manage alist, allowing you to easily start and stop the alist program.




Alist Helper is a software application developed using Flutter, designed to simplify the use of the desktop version of alist. It can manage alist, allowing you to easily start and stop the alist program.

Alist Helper includes several useful features:

  • Automatic launching of alist
  • Minimizing to the system tray
  • Automatic startup on boot, with the option for silent startup
  • Quick access to alist version and administrator information
  • Adjustable alist startup parameters. You can customize the startup parameters to meet your specific needs and preferences.

Free. No tracking. No ads.

Currently, this app is available on Windows. Adaptation plans for more platforms are in progress.

Please note that this program does not include the binary files for alist. You will need to download them manually.

alistalisthelperalist desktopPrice🆓 Free🆓 Free💰8$/50¥Startup at boot🛠️ Needs manual configuration✅ Supported✅ SupportedSilent startup❌ Not supported✅ Supported✅ SupportedAccompanied startup❌ Not supported✅ Supported❌ Not supportedGUI❌ Not supported✅ Supported✅ SupportedSystem tray❌ Not supported✅ Supported✅ SupportedStartup parameters🛠️ Needs manual configuration✅ Supported❌ Not supported

Alist Helper是一款使用Flutter开发的软件应用程序,旨在简化桌面版alist的使用。它可以管理alist,让您更轻松地开启、关闭alist程序。

Alist Helper包括多个实用功能

  • 自动启动alist
  • 最小化至系统托盘
  • 开机自启和开机静默启动
  • 能够快速查看alist的版本和管理员信息
  • 可调整的alist启动参数。你可以可以根据自己的特定需求和偏好来自定义启动参数。


目前,此应用可在 Windows 上使用。更多平台的适配计划正在进行中。


alistalisthelperalist desktop价格🆓 Free🆓 Free💰8$/50¥开机自启🛠️ 需要手动配置✅ 支持✅ 支持静默启动❌ 不支持✅ 支持✅ 支持伴随启动❌ 不支持✅ 支持❌ 不支持GUI❌ 不支持✅ 支持✅ 支持系统托盘❌ 不支持✅ 支持✅ 支持参数调整🛠️ 需要手动配置✅ 支持❌ 不支持


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