A Flutter Ecommerce Book App made using firebase

Ecommerce Book App

This is a app made using flutter firebase which gives you entering credentials features and add to favourite and add to cart operation with book products.


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About it

  1. This App will give you facility to add to cart and add to favourite.
  2. This also give you to enter in app with credentials and userImage using firebaseStorage.



This app is created in flutter SDK using Android Studio, basically this can be run any of the platfom irrespective of it’s operating system


  • Splashscreen
  • introscreen
  • add to cart facility
  • add to favourite facility
  • user image upload facility using Firebase Storage
  • Light and Dark Mode

🚀 About Me

I’m a Flutter developer…

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👩‍💻 I’m currently working on Flutter Api Integration and database

🧠 I’m currently learning database

👯‍♀️ I’m looking to collaborate onto creating app and publishing on playstore

🤔 I’m looking for help with for doing work as a freelancing


For support, email samarthmovaliya1@gmail.com.

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