A flutter widget for view EPUB documents on all platforms


Pure flutter widget (non native) for view EPUB documents on all platforms. Based on epub package. Render with flutter widgets (not native view) on any platforms: WebMacOsWindows LinuxAndroid and iOS


Getting Started

In your flutter project add the dependency:

flutter pub add epub_view

Usage example:

import 'dart:typed_data';

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_epub/flutter_epub.dart';

late EpubController _epubController;

void initState() {
  _epubController = EpubController(
    // Load document
    document: EpubDocument.openAsset('assets/book.epub'),
    // Set start point
    epubCfi: 'epubcfi(/6/6[chapter-2]!/4/2/1612)',

Widget build(BuildContext context) => Scaffold(
  appBar: AppBar(
    // Show actual chapter name
    title: EpubViewActualChapter(
      controller: _epubController,
      builder: (chapterValue) => Text(
        'Chapter: ' + (chapterValue?.chapter?.Title?.replaceAll('\n', '').trim() ?? ''),
        textAlign: TextAlign.start,
  // Show table of contents
  drawer: Drawer(
    child: EpubViewTableOfContents(
      controller: _epubController,
  // Show epub document
  body: EpubView(
    controller: _epubController,

How start from last view position?

This method allows you to keep the exact reading position even inside the chapter:

_epubController = EpubController(
  // initialize with epub cfi string for open book from last position
  epubCfi: 'epubcfi(/6/6[chapter-2]!/4/2/1612)',

// Attach controller
  controller: _epubController,

// Get epub cfi string
// for example output - epubcfi(/6/6[chapter-2]!/4/2/1612)
final cfi = _epubController.generateEpubCfi();

// or usage controller for navigate


Open document

Local document open:


EpubDocument.openData(FutureOr<Uint8List> data)

// Not supports on Web

Network document open:

Install [network_file] package (supports all platforms):

flutter pub add internet_file

And use it

import 'package:internet_file/internet_file.dart';

// The cors policy is required on the server. 
// You can raise your cors proxy.

Control document

// Get epub cfi string of actual view insets
// for example output - epubcfi(/6/6[chapter-2]!/4/2/1612)
final cfi = _epubController.generateEpubCfi();

// Navigate to paragraph in document

Document callbacks

  controller: epubController,
  onExternalLinkPressed: (href) {},

  onDocumentLoaded: (document) {},
  onChapterChanged: (chapter) {},
  onDocumentError: (error) {},


View Github

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