A Full Stack Amazon Clone with Admin Panel using Flutter

Amazoni (Amazon Clone)

Full Stack Amazon Clone along with Admin Panel ,



Features of App

  • Email & Password Authentication
  • Persisting Auth State
  • Searching Products
  • Filtering Products (Based on Category)
  • Product Details
  • Rating
  • Getting Deal of the Day
  • Cart
  • Checking out with Google/Apple Pay
  • Viewing My Orders
  • Viewing Order Details & Status
  • Sign Out
  • Admin Panel
  • Viewing All Products
  • Adding Products
  • Deleting Products
  • Viewing Orders
  • Changing Order Status
  • Viewing Total Earnings
  • Viewing Category Based Earnings (on Graph)

Features of Code

  • Maintainble and Scalable
  • following best Practises and Clean Code Concepts
  • Easy To Follow and Read
  • Follow The View-Controller-Repository Architecture
  • Feature First layer


  • Fares Bekkouche

Tech used

  • Flutter
  • Flutter Riverpod
  • pay package
  • go_router
  • dartz (either)
  • dio
  • file_picker
  • dio
  • shared_preferences
  • badges
  • carousel_slider
  • NodeJs
  • express
  • bcryptjs
  • MongoDb and Mongoose
  • jWt (jsonwebtoken)
  • nodemon
  • flutter_rating_bar
  • Cloudinary
  • logger


  • for any contrubution you re more then Welcomed


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