A Healthcare Mobile App built with Flutter

Healthcare app is a design implementaion of Healthcare Mobile App designed by Chirag Chauhan

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Android Screenshots

HomePageDetail Page

iOS Screenshots

HomePageDetail Page

Directory Structure

|-- lib
|   |-- main.dart
|   '-- src
|       |-- config
|       |   '-- route.dart
|       |-- model
|       |   |-- dactor_model.dart
|       |   '-- data.dart
|       |-- pages
|       |   |-- detail_page.dart
|       |   |-- home_page.dart
|       |   '-- splash_page.dart
|       |-- theme
|       |   |-- extention.dart
|       |   |-- light_color.dart
|       |   |-- text_styles.dart
|       |   '-- theme.dart
|       '-- widgets
|           |-- coustom_route.dart
|           |-- progress_widget.dart
|           '-- rating_start.dart
|-- pubspec.yaml
|-- screenshots
|   |-- HealthcareMobileApp.png
|   |-- screenshot_1.jpg
|   |-- screenshot_2.jpg
|   |-- screenshot_ios_1.png
|   '-- screenshot_ios_2.png
'-- test
    '-- widget_test.dart

Pull Requests

I welcome and encourage all pull requests. It usually will take me within 24-48 hours to respond to any issue or request.

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Created & Maintained By

Sonu Sharma (Twitter) (Youtube) (Insta) (Dev.to)Twitter Follow

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