A micro-blogging thread editor implemented with Vue.js


Threadr is a small (#workinprogress) web application that helps users of micro-blogging platforms to write great threads and allows them to crosspost in one click their content to Bluesky, Mastodon and Twitter/X.


For now, Threadr only works in localhost.

1/ Get the project sources

$ git clone git@github.com:jbuget/threadr-app.git && cd threadr-app

2/ Copy the .env.sample file into a new .env file

You previously must generate, get and report your access keys for Twitter/X (new developer project), Mastodon (new app) and Bluesky (your user credentials).

3/ Run the Docker compose service minio (required to upload media files into platforms)

$ docker compose -d minio

4/ Configure your MinIO instance

MinIO console is accessible on localhost:9001 (credentials in .envfile, cf. MINIO_ROOT_USER and MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD)

Create a bucket (ex: “threadr-app” in .env.sample).

In the settings, configure MinIO region (ex: “eu-fr-1” in .env.sample).

⚠️ It is recommanded to declare a custom policy with dedicacted path in readonly acces for anonymous visitors

5/ Run Threadr locally

$ npm install
$ npm run dev -- -o

6/ 🚀 Enjoy Threadr at localhost:3000!


All configuration option are set in the .env file.

Editing threads, messages and media

Publishing on Bluesky

Publishing on Mastodon

Publishing on Twitter

Uploading media files

Persisting data


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