A mobile app that utilizes your personal social network for personalized restaurant suggestions

Friends Rec

An application that leverages your personal social connections to provide restaurant recommendations.


FriendsRec is a social platform that leverages the user’s friends connections to provide restaurant recommendations. This allows the user to trust the recommendations, making dining choices more personable and reliable. This application promotes social interactions and aids users to discover new dining options that are personally vetted.

Installation / Getting Started

Please perform the following steps to install:

  1. Clone the FriendsRec repository onto the user’s local machine.
  2. Open FriendsRec repo in Visual Studio Code.
  3. Run the following command in the terminal. This will npm install node modules in the root, client, and server folders:
npm run dependency
  1. Run npm run dev in the root directory.
  2. Run http://localhost:3000/ on your browser to start sharing your recommendations with your friends!

Functionality / Features

User Authentication and Profiles

Users can create accounts and log in securely. A profile is created with their name, profile photo, joined date, and a list of their own recommendations.My Profile

Restaurant Recommendations

Users can search and recommend a restaurant to share with their social connections. The users can also filter to view your and your friends recommendations on the map.


Users can view restaurant recommendations made by their friends, which includes details to the restaurant’s name, location, and a brief comment from the friend who made the recommendation.My Newsfeed


Users can connect with their friends on the platform, which allows users to see the recommendations in their feed.My Friends

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