A Next.js 14 Weather App with Real-time Updates, Typescript, and Shadcn UI


Screenshot 2023-10-29 at 13 39 22


Welcome to Meteo-nix, a meticulously crafted weather app that levereges cutting-edge technologies. Powered by Next.js 14, TypeScript,Tailwind CSS and the elegance of Shadcn UI library, it delivers a seamless weather experience.✨ It also leverages React Hotkeys Hook for smooth theme transitions and a versatile command menu, React Map GL for Mapbox map integration, and provides intelligent places autocomplete suggestions powered by Google Maps Places API.


  • Current Weather Conditions: Provides access to current weather conditions, including temperature, precipitation, wind speed, UV index, and more.
  • Forecast: Access a 10-day weather forecast and a 24-hour forecast at your fingertips.
  • Command Menu: Toggle the command menu with a keyboard shortcut (Shortcut: Command+J) for quick access to search functionality.
  • Intelligent Autocomplete: Enjoy a seamless location search experience with intelligent place autocomplete suggestions powered by the Google Maps Places API, and the Google Geolocation API to obtain coordinates, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information.
  • Seamless Theme Transitions: Switch between themes (Shortcut: T) effortlessly thanks to React Hotkeys Hook, ensuring a visually pleasing and accessible interface.
  • Interactive Map: Navigate a dynamic map with customizable tiles, including temperature (°C), precipitation intensity (mm/s), wind speed and direction (m/s), relative humidity (%), cloudiness (%), and atmospheric pressure (hPa).


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