A Remarkably Easy-to-Use Toast Notification System for React


An incredibly simple toast notification system for React.

  • Only 894 byte (gzipped)
  • No dependencies
  • No styling, only logic
  • No configuration
  • No nonsense
  • Render components
  • No JSX during usage

This is a solution I’m using in several projects, so I decided to extract this into its own package. The existing libraries out there require you to add JSX elements to your React tree and render them based on conditions (controlled way). I never liked such solutions, I prefer a simple function call to show my toast.


npm install buttered-toast


Add context provider

import { ToastContextProvider } from 'buttered-toast'

const App = ({ children }) => <ToastContextProvider>{children}</ToastContextProvider>

useToast hook

import { useToast } from 'buttered-toast'

const Component = () => {
    const { show } = useToast()
    return <button onClick={() => show('Button clicked!')}>Click me!</button>

API and Customization


  • ToastContextProvider
  • useToast
  • defaultOptions
  • ToastContext


This is a React context provider that provides the state for useToast hooks. You must have this at least once in your React tree.


  • options – An object of options to override the default options. See defaultOptions for more information.


This is a React hook that provides the show function to show a toast.

const { show } = useToast()


This function takes a two arguments argument. The content to show in the toast and an optional options object to override the options for this specific toast.

  • content – The content to show in the toast. This can be anything that React can render as children.
  • options (optional) – An object of options to override the default options. See defaultOptions for more information.
show(<>Button clicked!</>)
show(<MyToastStyle>Button clicked!</MyToastStyle>)


An object of default options. These options can be overridden by passing an options object to the ToastContextProvider.

  • duration – The duration in milliseconds to show the toast. Defaults to 3000.
  • ref – A ref to the toast element. Defaults to null. In case a ref is provided, React’s createPortal will be used to render the toast. If no ref is provided, the toast will be rendered in the ToastContextProvider.
  • Wrapper – A wrapper component to wrap the toast in. Defaults to and “empty component”: ({ children }) => children.
  • wrapperProps – Props to pass to the wrapper component. Defaults to {}.


This is the React context that is provided by the ToastContextProvider. You can use this context to create your own.


This library does not provide any styling. You can style your toast by creating your own Toast component, and/or by styling your Wrapper element.

Advanced example

import { ToastContextProvider, defaultOptions } from 'buttered-toast'

const App = ({ children }) => (
            duration: 5000,
            Wrapper: ({ children, title }) => (
                <div className="my-wrapper">
                    <div className="my-title">{title}</div>
            wrapperProps: { title: 'System notification' }
import { useToast } from 'buttered-toast'

const Component = () => {
    const { show } = useToast()
    return (
            onClick={() =>
                show(<ToastStyle>Button clicked!</ToastStyle>, {
                    duration: 10000,
                    wrapperProps: { title: 'What just happened?' }
            Click me!


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