A Simple react-hook to handle file upload seamlessly

React file upload

A simple to use React hook that enables HTML5-compliant drag-and-drop file uploads with preview functionality. This library streamlines the file upload process for your users, allowing them to see a preview of their files before uploading. You can configure the hook to accept specific file types, set size limits, and specify the number of files allowed to be uploaded at once. With this library, you can provide a better user experience and simplify the file upload process for your users.”


Install it from npm and include it in your React build process (using Webpack, Browserify, etc).

yarn add dex-react-file-upload


npm i dex-react-file-upload


import { useUploadFile } from "dex-react-file-upload";

export default function App() {
  const { handleChange, fileData, handleOnDrop } = useUploadFile({
    handleError(props) {
    multiple: true,
    maxFile: 4,
    maxfileSize: 1500, //in kb,

  return (
      <div style={{ marginBottom: "5rem", textAlign: "center" }}>
        <h1>React File Upload Basic demo </h1>
        <p>You can make a pull request for improvement.</p>
          <label>Single File Upload</label>
          <input type="file" name="file" onChange={handleChange} />
          <div style={{ display: "flex", gap: 10 }}>
            {fileData?.file?.map((item, idx) => (
              <div style={{ display: "grid", gap: 10 }} key={idx}>
                <img src={item?.blob} width={200} height={200} />
            marginTop: "10rem",
            border: "1px solid black",
            padding: "30px",
          onDragOver={(event) => event.preventDefault()}
          <label>Drag and Drop Example</label>
          {fileData?.file4 ? (
            <div style={{ display: "flex", justifyContent: "center", gap: 10 }}>
              {fileData?.file4?.map((item, idx) => (
                  style={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", gap: 10 }}
                  <img src={item?.blob} width={200} height={200} />
          ) : (
              style={{ padding: "10rem", textAlign: "center" }}
              <input name="file4" type="file" onChange={handleChange} />
              Select Image or drag and drop image here!
          {fileData?.file4 && (
              style={{ padding: "4rem", textAlign: "center" }}
              <input name="file4" type="file" onChange={handleChange} />
              Select Image or drag and drop image here!

Accepted Props

TypesDescriptionmaxfileSizeis an optional property that allows you to set the maximum size of a file in kilobytes. The default value is 200kbmaxFileis an optional property that allows you to set the maximum number of files to accept NB: This maxFile depends on multiple for it to work multiple must be set to truefileTypeis an optional property that accepts an array of strings representing file types to be accepted for upload.multipleis an optional boolean property that specifies whether a single or multiple files can be uploaded. The default value is false.handleErroris a required method that accepts a props object and handles any errors that may occur during the file upload process.handleChangeis an optional method that returns a FileList and allows you to manage the files on your own.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.




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