A Step-by-Step Guide to Installing Android Studio on Debian, Ubuntu, Linux, and Kali


Android Studio is a powerful integrated development environment (IDE) specifically designed for Android app development. Installing Android Studio on popular Linux distributions like Debian, Ubuntu, Linux, and Kali can open up a world of opportunities for developers. In this blog post, we provide a comprehensive step-by-step guide to help you install Android Studio on these Linux distributions.


Before we dive into the installation process, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  1. A Debian-based Linux distribution (Debian, Ubuntu, Linux, or Kali).
  2. A stable internet connection.
  3. Sufficient disk space for the installation.

Step 1: Update System Packages

To begin, it's essential to update your system packages to ensure you have the latest software versions. Open the terminal and execute the following command:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade 

Step 2: Install Java Development Kit (JDK)

Android Studio requires Java Development Kit (JDK) to be installed on your system. Run the following command in the terminal to install OpenJDK, a widely used open-source JDK:

sudo apt install default-jdk 

Step 3: Download Android Studio

Visit the official Android Studio website (https://developer.android.com/studio) and download the Linux version of Android Studio in the form of a tarball (.tar.gz) file.

Step 4: Extract Android Studio

Navigate to the directory where the downloaded Android Studio tarball is located. To extract the contents, execute the following command in the terminal:

tar -xvzf android-studio-<version>.tar.gz 

Replace <version> with the specific version number of Android Studio you downloaded.

Step 5: Move Android Studio to Opt Directory

Move the extracted Android Studio folder to the /opt directory using the following command:

sudo mv android-studio /opt/ 

Step 6: Set up Environment Variables

To run Android Studio smoothly, it's necessary to set up the environment variables. Open the terminal and execute the following command:

sudo gedit ~/.bashrc 

This command opens the bashrc file in the Gedit text editor. Add the following lines at the end of the file:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/default-java export PATH=$PATH:/opt/android-studio/bin 

Save the file and close the text editor.

Step 7: Apply Environment Variable Changes

To apply the changes made in the bashrc file, either restart your system or run the following command in the terminal:

source ~/.bashrc 

Step 8: Launch Android Studio

You are now ready to launch Android Studio. In the terminal, execute the following command:


This command starts Android Studio, and you will be greeted with the setup wizard.

Step 9: Follow the Android Studio Setup Wizard

Follow the on-screen instructions of the setup wizard to configure Android Studio according to your preferences. This includes selecting the components you want to install, configuring the SDK location, and customizing the UI theme.

Step 10: Finish the Installation

Once you have completed the setup wizard, Android Studio will download and install any additional components and SDKs required. This process may take some time, depending on your internet connection speed.


Congratulations! You have successfully installed Android Studio on your Debian-based Linux distribution (Debian, Ubuntu, Linux, or Kali). Now, you can leverage the power of this robust IDE to develop feature-rich Android applications. Take your time to explore the various tools and features Android Studio offers, and embark on your exciting journey of Android app development.

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