A straightforward collection of tools for converting DOM elements into React Fiber elements


A simple set of utilities to convert DOM elements to React Fiber elements.


npm install @aliemir/dom-to-fiber-utils


Example App: https://dom-to-fiber-utils-example.vercel.app

Exported functions

getFiberFromElement(element: HTMLElement): Fiber | null

Given a dom element, return the fiber associated with it.

getNameFromFiber(fiber: FiberNode): string | null

Given a fiber, return the name of the component.

getParentOfFiber(fiber: FiberNode): Fiber | null

Given a fiber, return the parent fiber. Looks up the tree.

getFirstStateNodeOfFiber(fiber: FiberNode): Fiber | null

Given a fiber, return the first fiber with a state node. Looks up the tree.

getDebugOwner(fiber: FiberNode): Fiber | null

Given a fiber, return the owner fiber.

getDebugSource(fiber: FiberNode): Source | null

Given a fiber, return the source of the component.

getNthParentOfFiber(fiber: FiberNode, n: number): Fiber | null

Given a fiber, return the nth parent of the fiber.

getElementFromFiber(fiber: FiberNode): HTMLElement | null

Given a fiber, return the dom element associated with it.

getFirstFiberHasName(fiber: FiberNode, name: string): Fiber | null

Given a fiber, return the first fiber with a name. Looks up the tree.


All PRs are welcome. This is a very simple set of utilities that I needed for a project. If you need more, please open an issue or a PR.


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