A Traditional Game Created Using Vue 3


This is a classical game that is developed in Vue3.


  • The game is played in a 35×35 grid.
  • The player starts as a single cell snake with a random direction.
  • The player can navigate the snake via W, A, S, D keys or the arrow keys (⬆, ⬅, ⬇, ➡).
  • If the snake hits the grid boundaries, it will continue to move in the same direction from the opposite end.
  • The player needs to navigate the snake to the snack in order to have the snake grow and gain score.
  • Each eaten snack contributes 1 point to the score.
  • If the snake hits its own tail, then the game is over.



You need to install and setup the following:

  • node.js
  • yarn
  • git

Clone the repository

  • Open up a terminal (Linux, macOS), or a command prompt (Windows)
  • Navigate to the directory you would like to download this repository in
  • You can do this by running a cd command like so:
cd /directory/for/this/repo
  • Do not forget to change /directory/for/this/repo with the directory of your own choosing!
  • Clone the repository by running the following command:
git clone https://github.com/ekinkaradag/snake-vue3.git

Running the game

  • If the cloning process went well, you need to change the directory to the newly created snake-vue3 folder in order to install the dependencies
  • To Change the directory, run the following command:
cd snake-vue3
  • This can be done by running the following command:
  • Or, if you prefer to use npm, you can run this:
npm install
  • Once the dependencies are installed, you can start the game in a live dev environment.
  • This can be done by running the following command:
yarn dev
  • Or, if you prefer to use npm, you can run this:
npm run dev
  • If you would like to build it:
  • This can be done by running the following command:
yarn build
  • Or, if you prefer to use npm, you can run this:
npm run build
  • When you do this, the built files will be available in the dist folder.
  • If you would like to deploy it to GitHub Pages:
  • This can be done by running the following command:
yarn deploy
  • Or, if you prefer to use npm, you can run this:
npm run deploy


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