A visually appealing Analytics User Interface developed using Nuxt 3 and Tailwind CSS

Analytics Dashboard

Created with Nuxt 3 + Tailwind CSS


Find the demo here: analytics-ui.behonbaker.com

Tailwind config was copied from shadcn-ui


Modules Used

  • @nuxtjs/tailwindcss
  • nuxt-icon
  • @vueuse/nuxt
  • nuxt-headlessui
  • @morev/vue-transitions/nuxt
  • @davestewart/nuxt-scrollbar

Chart JS has no nuxt module but it was used as well.

Shadcn UI was used for the styles. I am not reinveting the wheel here.


Check the components folder for the components used in this project. Since I am not switching pages, I used the app.vue file to render everything.

Yes, light and dark mode is in place. Thanks to VueUse


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