A Vue.js plugin to truncate and expand text content with a customizable read more

Vue Truncate Readmore

A Vue.js plugin to truncate and expand text content with a customizable read more/less button.


  • Truncate text content to a specified number of characters
  • Display a customizable read more/less button to support multilanguages
  • Activate the plugin based on a minimum character count to prevent truncating short text content
  • Smooth auto scrolling to the content when collapsed and outside of the viewport
  • Supports Vue 2.x and Vue 3.x JS/TS


npm install vue-truncate-read-more


yarn add vue-truncate-read-more


Global Registration

In your main.js file:

import { createApp } from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue';
import TruncateReadMore from 'vue-truncate-read-more';

const app = createApp(App);

Local Registration

In your Vue component:

import TruncateReadMore from 'vue-truncate-read-more';

export default {
  components: {


In your Vue component’s template:

  <template #html>

or in Vue 3.x you can use pascal case:

    <template #html>

As a Wrapper

You can also use the plugin as a wrapper around your content:

    <template #html>
        <!-- Your long content -->

Demo link

Stack Blitz Demo


PropTypeDefaultDescriptiontruncateValueNumbernullThe number of characters to truncate the text to.onlyIfMoreThanValueNumbernullActivate the truncate feature only if the text character count is greater than this value.readMoreButtonTextString‘Read more’The text displayed on the read more button.readLessButtonTextString‘Read less’The text displayed on the read less button.




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