Accessible React Modal: Keeping It Simple

React Modal Easy

Simple modal with good accessibility

The purpose of this component is to provide a simple interface. You won’t find predefined styles to cause you problems or unnecessary customizations.


npm i react-modal-easy


// include styles
import 'react-modal-easy/dist/style.css';

const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false);

return (
  <Modal isVisible={visible} onClose={() => setVisible(false)}>
    <div style={{ backgroundColor: 'white', width: 500, padding: 20 }}>
      <Modal.Title>React Modal Easy</Modal.Title>


By internally using the Radix Dialog, this component comes with accessibility configurations by default. However, for the best use of this feature, also utilize the TitleDescription and Close components.

return (
      <Modal.Close onClick={onClose} aria-label='Close'>
    <Modal.Title>Lorem Ipsum is simply</Modal.Title>
      Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.


PropertyTypeDefaultDescriptionisVisiblebooleanwhether to show dialogonClosefunctionhandler called onClose of modalanimation?‘scale’ , ‘translate’ , ‘none’scaleanimation typecloseButton?React.ReactNodeComponentclose component, use null to disable.className?stringmodal component classoverlayClassName?stringoverlay component class


NameDescriptionModal.TitleAn accessible title to be announced when the dialog is opened.Modal.DescriptionAn optional accessible description to be announced when the dialog is opened.Modal.CloseThe button that closes the dialog.


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