Airlines passenger management system developed using React

✈️ React Passengers ✈️

  • 🚀 simple React application built with Vite, React, Bootstrap and JSON-server with Axios and TypeScript.
  • 🚀 Added state management with React context.


🛩 Features

  • 📦 Vite
  • ⚛️ React
  • 🎨 Bootstrap
  • 📑 JSON-server
  • 📋 TypeScript
  • 🚀 Axios

🛩 Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository
git clone
  1. Install dependencies
  1. Run the development server
yarn dev
  1. Run the JSON-server
yarn server
  1. Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

🛩 Bootstrap components

  • 🎨 to simplify building this application I extracted components built with bootstrap to separate components: BadgeButtonInput etc.
  • 📦 components are located in src/components directory

🛩 JSON-server

  • 📑 I used JSON-server to mock API
  • 📦 data is located in db.json.

🛩 Context

  • 📦 I used React context to manage state of the application
  • It now allows user to change theme of the application (light/dark)



  • ⚙️ Advance app to use Redux
  • ⚙️ Create tests for the app
  • ⚙️ Implement authorisation with json-server-auth
  • ⚙️ Custom styles
  • ⚙️ Cleanup code and architecture
  • ⚙️ Get rid of any types
  • ⚙️ Some extra features: expand passenger model, add pilots, add airplanes, about page etc.


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