An Authentic Yu-Gi-Oh! Simulator Inspired by Fanmade Games

Digimon TCG Simulator

neuefische educational capstone project

As a fan of the Digimon franchise and it’s card game, my goal is to build a simulator close to some fanmade Yu-Gi-Oh games.

Current state: Fully functional deckbuilder using the Digimon TCG API, drag & drop with responsive design. Edit your decks and set your active deck and avatar on the profile page.


Used Technologies, Frameworks, and Libraries:

  • Frontend: React with Vite, Axios, Zustand, Emotion, react-dnd
  • Backend: Spring Boot with Spring WebFlux, MongoDB
  • Testing: JUnit, AssertJ, Mockito, MockMvc, Flapdoodle (for integration tests)
  • Deployment: GitHub Actions for CI/CD, Docker


🚧 Disclaimer 🚧

This is a fan-made project and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Bandai Co., Ltd. or any official Digimon franchise entities.

The Digimon name, characters,and all related materials are the property of Bandai Co., Ltd. and its respective owners.

The purpose of this project is to celebrate and pay tribute to the Digimon franchise and its fan community. It is a non-commercial, not-for-profit endeavor created by fans for fans.

All materials used in this project, including but not limited to artwork, music, and other media, are either created by us or used with permission from the respective creators.

Any copyrighted material used here is for fan appreciation and entertainment purposes only.

By accessing or using this fan project, you acknowledge and agree that it is an unofficial fan-made work and not an official part of the Digimon franchise.

If you are the owner of any copyrighted material used in this project and wish to have it removed, please contact us, and we will promptly comply with your request.


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