An automated ChatGPT tool designed to generate realistic data for database seeding purposes.

ChatGPT Seeder

A powerful tool that leverages the capabilities of ChatGPT to automate the generation of realistic and meaningful data for your database seeding need.


  • Easy data seeding
  • Real/fake data options
  • Flexible table selection
  • Customizable record count
  • Detailed column info
  • Selective column insertion
  • Auto select none nullable columns
  • Contextual data description
  • Preview data before insertion
  • Data regeneration for accuracy
  • API rate limit handling using retry count
  • Seamless OpenAI API integration
  • Customizable configuration
  • Display API token usage
  • User-friendly interface
  • Try catch exception, both backend and frontend


  • PHP 8.0 or higher
  • Nova 4
  • OpenAI API Key


You can install the package into a Laravel app that uses Nova 4 via composer:

composer require naif/chatgpt-seeder

Publish the package’s configuration file

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Naif\ChatgptSeeder\ToolServiceProvider" 

Add the below to .env file:



Add the tool to NovaServiceProvider.php

  public function tools()
        return [
            new ChatgptSeeder()


ChatGPT Seeder’s configuration file, located at config/chatgpt-seeder.php Allows you to set and customize:

  • ChatGPT API Key
  • Maximum tokens to be used for each request (higher number yields longer data)
  • Retry count: Refers to the tool’s ability to retry the data request when the returned data is not valid. It will continue retrying until it reaches the maximum retry count, ensuring a valid and accurate result while avoiding too many API requests.


1- Access ChatGPT Seeder Tool from the Laravel Nova dashboard. 2- Fill in the required information, such as:

  • Data type (Real or Fake)
  • Table Name
  • Number of Records
  • Data Required Description
  • Select any nullable columns.

3- Click the “Generate” button to initiate the data generation process. 4- Data Preview will show up displaying the first 8 records. 5- Click Proceed to insert data to table, or click on Regenerate again until you are satisfied with the result.



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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


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