An engine for generating recursive documentation and using it to work on a project with ChatGPT

GPT Projects Insight

An engine for generating recursive documentation and using it to work on a project with ChatGPT. To use this application, you need to have an API Key for the Open AI API

How it works



Project setup

npm install

Run Electron app

npm run electron:serve

Generate using CLI


npx tsx .\engine\cli.ts YOUR_API_KEY C:/directory/


npx tsx .\engine\cli.ts --help

Build the engine and run

tsc ./engine/cli.ts --outDir ./out_engine
node .\out_engine\engine\cli.js YOUR_API_KEY C:/directory/


node .\out_engine\engine\cli.js --help

Config and options


You can load config from CLI using –config option

Config loads automatically from file “SELECTED_DIR/” in the electron app


  • –maxTokens the maximum number of tokens that the model can accept
  • –bytesPerToken approximate number of bytes in one token
  • –maxQueries Maximum number of requests simultaneously
  • –outFile The file to write the result
  • –config The file to read the config from
  • –maxTokensFile The max tokens values for files –maxTokensDir The max tokens values for directories
  • –bytesPerToken approximate number of bytes in one token
  • –temperature The temperature of the model
  • –excludes The pattern to exclude files. Example: dir1,dir2,file3,*.png
  • –model The model to use
  • -h, –help display help for command



Make the footer sticky

Model: GPT-4


How to install the project?

Model: GPT-4


How to create a script: npm run build_engine

Model: GPT-3.5


View Github

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