An Interface for Groups with Tab Menu to Toggle Field Visibility

Tab Group Interface for Directus

A group interface with a tab menu for toggling the visibility of fields within the group.

# Install via npm
npm install directus-extension-tab-group
# Install via yarn
yarn add directus-extension-tab-group
# Install via pnpm
pnpm add directus-extension-tab-group

Use case

The main use case for this extension is to provide an alternative solution to the translation interface. You can use this tab group interface to toggle fields individually or some of them or all of them together as you like. For example, you can toggle the visibility of a title_de and a title_en field.


In your interface settings, you can use a JSON field to specify which button displays which fields, like:

        "label": "Deutsch",
        "active": true,
        "fields": [
                "name": "title_de",
                "activeWidth": "full"
        "label": "English",
        "fields": [
                "name": "title_en",
                "activeWidth": "full"
        "label": "Deutsch + English",
        "fields": [
                "name": "title_de",
                "activeWidth": "half"
                "name": "title_en",
                "activeWidth": "half"

Overwriting styles

Use the following classes to customize CSS styles via the Directus Project Settings: .menu or .tab-group .menu .menu-item.


/* disable the vertical bar */
.tab-group::before {
	content: none !important;


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