An open-source cross-platform API Client for building and using APIs


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ClientAO is an open-source cross-platform API Client for building and using APIs, visually inspect responses.

Screenshot 2023-04-25 at 14 43 22

Features of ClientAO

  1. You can draft Collections to help you have your requests organised:
  • Create different types of HTTP requests (GET, POST, PATCH, PUT and DELETE)
  • Easily manipulate request query params, Headers, Auth and body
  • Create and use different environment
  1. Visually inspect API Responses
  • Inspect request Response (status code, headers, body, time taken and response body size)
  • View formatted code previews for types like JSON, XML, HTML, etc…
  • For return results as images (video coming soon), ClientAO helps by directly previewing these results

Important to getting started

This project uses Records feature which is still experimental, so if you face any issue regarding this while running the project then you’ll need to execute the following command:

flutter run --enable-experiment=records
  • Hive for Local cache with 🥹
  • Hooks_riverpod as state management. 😍
  • Http for http requests 😇
  • davi for amazing table view 😊

In case you need any help with ClientAO please feel free to drop by our Discord server. Would be great to have you there 😊


ClientAO is available for Mac, Windows and Linux, and can be downloaded from the links below:

MacOS (Universal build – Apple Silicon & Intel) – Download Link

Windows – Download Link

Having issue, want to request a feature or give Feedback

Just click on the Issue tab to raise a new issue in this repo.

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