Automatically Enhance React Components with Artificial Intelligence


Automatically optimize React components with AI

Reaict is a Next.js / Vite / Webpack plugin that automatically analyses your React components and optimizes them for performance during build time. It uses OpenAI’s gpt-3.5-turbo model to generate the optimized code.

Ideally this can improve your app’s render performance. If you want to improve reconcilliation, run npx million@latest in your app to install Million.js


npm install reaict-js



// next.config.js
const withReaict = require('reaict-js');

module.exports = withReaict(
    // your next.js config
  { apiKey: 'YOUR_OPENAI_KEY' },

Create React App

const withReaict = require('reaict-js');

module.exports = {
  webpack: {
    plugins: { add: [withReaict.webpack({ auto: true })] },


// vite.config.js
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import withReaict from 'reaict-js';

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [withReaict.vite({ apiKey: 'YOUR_OPENAI_KEY' })],


const withReaict = require('reaict-js');

module.exports = {
  plugins: [withReaict.webpack({ apiKey: 'YOUR_OPENAI_KEY' })],


so much that can be done:

  • prompt optimization
  • support class / arrow func components
  • pre-eval functions
  • github action instead of every run
  • cache functions across runs
  • component validation (perf profiling + screenshot)
  • optimizing on threshold (don’t memo everything)
  • integration w/ v0?
  • user hints (e.g. put a function // optimize!)
  • integration w/ million.js
  • package analysis and auto refactor
  • automatic error handing


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