Concise and efficient solution for creating tags input with react inline CSS

React Tags Input

Concise and efficient solution for creating tags input with option to style with react inline CSS or with css⚡


Install dependencies:

$ yarn add @enipx/react-tags-input

# or

$ npm i @enipx/react-tags-input


import { TagsInput } from "@enipx/react-tags-input"

export default function App() {
  return (
        border: `1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.2)`,
        minHeight: '70px',
        borderRadius: '10px',
        padding: '0 1rem',
        fontSize: '0.85rem',
        paddingTop: '1rem',
        border: `1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.4)`,
        border: `1px solid ${borderColor}`,
        borderRadius: '2rem',
        paddingLeft: '0.5rem',
        paddingRight: '0.5rem',


PropertyTypeDescriptionvaluestring[]Controlled valueonChange(arg: string[]) => voidReturn value when input changesonAdd(arg: string) => voidcallback method when an item is addedonRemove(arg: string) => voidcallback method when an item is removeonExist(arg: string) => voidcallback method when an item already exists in inputhoverStyleReact.CSSPropertiesAdd custom input style on hoverfocusStyleReact.CSSPropertiesAdd custom input style on focustagStyleReact.CSSPropertiesAdd custom tag item styleseparatorstringinput item separator, default is comma (,)removeIconReact.ReactNodereplace tag remove iconcontainerPropsHTMLAttributeupdate container div attribute




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