Crafting Compact Custom React Hooks for Effortless Request Handling



yarn add @blacktea/react-request

Basic Usage

import useRequest from '@blacktea/react-request'
import getFooApi from '@/utils/axios'

function App () {
  const [{ loading, error, data }, fetch] = useRequest(getFooApi)

  useEffect(() => { fetch() }, [fetch])

  if (loading) return 'loading'
  if (error) return 'error'

  return data && <div>{data}</div>

More Example

Queries are typically start with loading, we can create a useQuery function before we use.
function useQuery (api) {
  return useRequest(api, { loading: true })


function Query () {
  const [{ loading, error, data }, fetch] = useQuery(queryFooApi)

  useEffect(() => { fetch() }, [fetch])

  if (loading) return 'loading...'
  if (error) return 'error'

  // no need to check data
  return <div>{data}</div>

Multi Query

function MultiQuery () {
  const [foo, fetchFoo] = useQuery(queryFooApi)
  const [bar, fetchBar] = useQuery(queryBarApi)

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [fetchFoo, fetchBar])

  const renderContent = (state) => {
    const { loading, error, data } = state

    if (loading) return 'loading...'
    if (error) return 'error'

    return <div>{data}</div>

  return (

Batch Query

function BatchQuery () {
  const batchFetchApi = () => Promise.all([queryFooApi(), queryBarApi()])
  const [{ loading, error, data }, fetch] = useQuery(batchFetchApi)

  useEffect(() => { fetch() }, [fetch])

  if (loading) return 'loading...'
  if (error) return 'error'

  const [foo, bar] = data

  return (
      <button onClick={fetch}>refetch batch</button>


function Mutate () {
  const [{ loading, error, data }, mutate] = useRequest(mutateBazApi)
  const [value, setValue] = useState('')

  useEffect(() => {
    if (error) alert('error')
    if (data === 'success') alert('success')
  }, [error, data])

  return (
      <input value={value} onChange={(e) => setValue(} />
      <button disabled={loading} onClick={() => mutate(value)}>submit</button>


type useRequest = (api, initialState) => [state, memoizedRequestCallback]


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