Custom Table Field Extension for Kirby CMS

Kirby Table Field

The table field streamlines the management of structured data in tables, offering a user-friendly interface that simplifies data entry and enhances content creation by making tabular information effortlessly manageable.



composer require bogdancondorachi/kirby-table-field

Git Submodule

git submodule add site/plugins/table-field


Download and extract the folder to /site/plugins/kirby-table-field


Add the field to your blueprint:

    label: table
    type: table
    #optional (see props below)

Field Properties:

NameTypeDefaultDescriptionindexNumberBoolean1Specifies the starting index. If set to false, it removes the index column; in this case, sortable also needs to be set to falsesortableBooleantrueToggles drag & drop sortingminColumnsNumber2Sets the minimum required columns in the tableminColumnsNumber5Sets the maximum allowed columns in the table

Use the field in your template:

<?php $table = $page->table()->toTable(); ?>
<?php if($table != null): ?>
        <?php foreach ($table['headers'] as $header): ?>
          <th><?= $header ?></th>
        <?php endforeach ?>
      <?php foreach ($table['rows'] as $row): ?>
          <?php foreach ($row as $cell): ?>
            <td><?= $cell ?></td>
          <?php endforeach ?>
      <?php endforeach ?>
<?php endif ?>



MIT License Copyright © 2024 Bogdan Condorachi


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