Customizable React Component: Wrapper for Video.js Library


A customizable React component serving as a wrapper for the popular Video.js library. This component provides a sleek and responsive video player with theme options.

Storybook Demo

Api Doc (tsdocs)


npm install @graphland/react-video-player


import React from "react";
import { VideoPlayer, VideoPlayerProps } from "@graphland/react-video-player";

const App: React.FC = () => {
  const videoSources = [
      src: "",
      type: "video/mp4",
    // Add more video sources as needed

  const videoProps: VideoPlayerProps = {
    theme: "city", // 'city', 'fantasy', 'forest', 'sea'
    height: 720,
    width: 1280,
    autoPlay: false,
    loop: false,
    sources: videoSources,
    controlBar: {
      skipButtons: {
        forward: 5,
        backward: 5,
    playbackRates: [0.5, 1, 1.5, 2],
    disablePictureInPicture: false,
    onReady: () => {
      console.log("Video player is ready!");

  return <VideoPlayer {...videoProps} />;

export default App;


  • theme (optional): Choose from ‘city’, ‘fantasy’, ‘forest’, ‘sea’ for different player themes.
  • height (optional): Height of the video player in pixels.
  • width (optional): Width of the video player in pixels.
  • autoPlay (optional): Automatically start playing the video when the component mounts.
  • loop (optional): Enable looping of the video.
  • sources (required): An array of video sources with { src: string, type: string } format.
  • poster (optional): URL for the video poster image.
  • controlBar (optional): Additional configuration for the video control bar, including skip buttons.
  • playbackRates (optional): Array of playback rates available to the user.
  • disablePictureInPicture (optional): Disable the Picture-in-Picture mode.
  • onReady (optional): Callback function called when the video player is ready.


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