Empowering Developers with an Interactive Marketing Roadmap


⚠️Warning: This project is not open-source ready yet. Please don’t submit any pull requests until I finish the initial setup.⚠️

Building a software product but not sure how to sell?

Markit is an interactive roadmap for technical solopreneurs to validate ideas and build a marketing strategy from pre-sale to post-launch.

Open-source and 100% free.


Being a solopreneur is hard. You have to do everything yourself: from building a product to marketing and selling it. You will be wearing multiple hats at the same time and it’s easy to get overwhelmed.

One day, I encountered this tweet from Dan Kulkov and I got inspired to build a tool around it. Markit is designed to be minimal and simple, so it’s not a replacement for a full-blown marketing course. (So if you want to sponsor by promoting your marketing course or service here, feel free to!)

Markit is basically a word-play on “market” and “kit”. It’s short and catchy, and I really love it! I’m building Markit for myself and for other developers, so it might not be directly applicable to other types of product. Markit is designed to be minimal and simple, so it’s not a replacement for a full-blown marketing course. (So if you want to sponsor by promoting your marketing course or service here, feel free to!)

😆 I’m by no means an expert in marketing, but I’m learning and I want to share my knowledge with others. Feel free to submit a feature request or any changes if you feel like something is missing or can be improved.



  • 📚 Interactive tutorial A step-by-step sets of forms that will guide you through the process of building a marketing strategy for your product. It will be a mix of questions and suggestions, so you can evaluate your idea and make decisions based on your answers.
  • 🗨️ Auto-generated ChatGPT prompts You are not building alone! Markit will generate ChatGPT prompts for you to help you write your copy or to get feedback on your idea. It’s not going to be perfect, but we will keep improving the prompt quality over time.
  • 🧩 Integrations Markit will seamlessly integrate with other tools by our sponsors. For example, if you are using ChatGPT Mega-Prompts by MakerBox, Market will automicatically help you personalize the prompts for your product in a few clicks.


As I mentioned before, Markit is 100% free and open-source. I don’t plan to monetize it in any way. However, I’m open to affiliate partnerships and sponsors.

If your product or service is relevant to the audience of Markit, such as a landing-page builder, an email marketing tool, or any other product that helps solopreneurs to build and grow their business, please feel free to contact me via my email or Twitter.


I would love to see your contribution to this project, but this repository is not ready for contributions yet. I will update this section once I set up the guidelines and the contribution process.

What kind of contributions I can make?

  • Bug reports. If you found a bug, please create an issue and describe it in detail. If you know how to fix it, you can create a pull request with the fix.
  • New features. If you have an idea for a new feature, please create an issue and describe it in detail. If you know how to implement it, you can create a pull request with the feature.
  • Proofreading. If you found a typo or a grammar mistake, please create an issue and describe it in detail. If you know how to fix it, you can create a pull request with the fix.
  • Translations. If you want to translate Markit to your language, please create an issue and describe it in detail. If you know how to implement it, you can create a pull request with the translation.
  • Prompt Improvements. If you have an idea for a an improvement to a ChatGPT prompt, feel free to leave a suggestion!


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