Enhance Your React Development with QoL Fetch API Hooks


Fetch API QoL hooks for React.

The request will be automatically aborted if the component is unmounted



Step – 0

Install the library

yarn add fetch-yo-mama

Step – 1

Wrap the app with FetchProvider and pass aliases.
import { FetchProvider } from 'fetch-yo-mama';

import Root from './src/root';

export default function App() {
   return (
            default: {
               baseUrl: 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com',
               headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
            custom: {
               baseUrl: 'https://coolapi.com',
               bodyType: 'formdata' // json|formdata|original. default: json
         <Root />

Step – 2

Use the hook:
import { useGet } from 'fetch-yo-mama';

export default function UserList() {
   const { error, response: users, request, loading } = useGet('/users');

   if (loading) return <p>Loading...</p>;
   if (error) return <p>Error Loading Data</p>;
   return (
         {users.map((u) => (

Customize request

const { error, response, request, loading } = useGet('/custom', {
   fetchAlias: 'custom',
   params: {},
   headers: {},
   loadOnMount: false, // Don't fetch on mount

Other methods

import { usePost, useDelete, usePatch, usePut } from 'fetch-yo-mama';

export default function Component() {
   // fetch params
   const fetchParams = {
      body: {},
      params: {},
      headers: {},
   const {
      abortControllerRef, // abortControllerRef.current.abort() to manually abort the request
   } = usePost('/user', {


  • Rewrite to TypeScript


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