File Manager type name and description editing tool

Project Description

In this project, you are going to build a Nxt Slides Application.

User stories

  • Users using this application should be able to see the slide tabs in the slide tabs panel.
  • Initially, users should be able to see,
  • The first slide tab as an active slide tab.
  • The active slide tab in the current slide.
  • Users should be able to click,
  • The Slide tabs in the slide tabs panel. When clicked,
  • The clicked slide tab should be displayed as an active slide tab.
  • The clicked slide tab should be displayed in the current slide.
  • The Heading and Description texts in the current slide. When they are clicked, then the corresponding Heading and Description texts should be able to update.
  • When the Heading and Description texts in the current slide are updated, then the updated texts should also be displayed in the slide tab item in the slide tabs panel.
  • For Reference (Updated Heading ViewUpdated Description View)
  • The New button on the page, When clicked,
  • A new slide tab should be added to the slide tabs panel.
  • Heading and Description should be the texts for Heading and Description.
  • The new slide tab should be added after the active slide tab.
  • The new slide tab should be displayed as an active slide tab.
  • The new slide tab should be displayed in the current slide.

Project set-up instructions

To start the development process, follow the below steps

Important Note

Click to view


Image URLs



Things to Keep in Mind

  • All components you implement should go in the src/components directory.
  • Do not remove the pre-filled code

Project submission instructions:

Project Submission should contain:

# NXT-slides # NXT-SLIDES


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