Flutter skeleton screen for Android and iOS. Support List, Card and Card-List style | Flutter Skeleton

Flutter Skeleton

Flutter skeleton screen.





1. Depend

Add this to you package’s pubspec.yaml file:

  flutter_skeleton: ^0.1.0+1

2. Install

Run command:

$ flutter packages get

3. Import

Import in Dart code:

import 'package:flutter_skeleton/flutter_skeleton.dart';

4. Display Widget

// list skeleton
  style: SkeletonStyle(
    theme: SkeletonTheme.Light,
    isShowAvatar: false,
    barCount: 3,
    colors: [Color(0xff333333), Color(0xffffff45), Color(0xff333333)],
    isAnimation: true,

// card skeleton
  style: SkeletonStyle(
    theme: SkeletonTheme.Light,
    isShowAvatar: true,
    isCircleAvatar: false,
    borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(16.0)),
    padding: EdgeInsets.all(32.0),
    barCount: 2,
    colors: [Color(0xffffffff)],
    backgroundColor: Color(0xFF009000),
    isAnimation: false,

// card list skeleton
  style: SkeletonStyle(
    theme: SkeletonTheme.Dark,
    isShowAvatar: true,
    isCircleAvatar: true,
    barCount: 2,

SkeletonStyle Properties

NameTypeMeaningDefaultisAnimationboolif show animation or nottrueisShowAvatarboolif show avatar or nottrueisCircleAvatarboolif the avatar is circle or nottruebarCountintthe count of bar2borderRadiusBorderRadiusthe radius of container0paddingEdgeInsetsthe padding of container16colorsListgradient color of barnull, specified by themebackgroundColorColorbackground color of containernull, specified by themethemeSkeletonThemepre-install themeSkeletonTheme.Light


Example sources

Example APK

Example APK Download


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