Integrate a Fully Customizable Chat into Your React Application


Embed an easy to use, highly customizable chat in your React app! Optimized for mobile and desktop applications. Live Demo

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npm install --save react-chat-module


import React, { useState } from 'react'

import { Chat, Message } from 'react-chat-module'
import 'react-chat-module/dist/index.css'

function Example() {

    const [messages, setMessages] = useState([
            createdAt: new Date(,
            messageId: "1",
            senderId: "1",
            profilePicture: "",
            type: "text",
            text: "Hello, how are you?",
            name: "John Doe"
            createdAt: new Date( + 2000),
            messageId: "2",
            senderId: "2",
            profilePicture: "",
            type: "text",
            text: "I'm fine, and you?"

    // append user typed message to messages array
    const handleSend = (message: Message) => {
                messageId: `${messageId}`,
                senderId: "1",
                profilePicture: "",
                type: message.type,
                text: message.text,
                createdAt: message.createdAt,
                read: false

    return <Chat userId={"1"} messages={exampleMessages} onSend={handleSend} />

A full example can be found here.


propstypedefaultdescriptionsloadingSpinnerJSX.Elementbuilt in Loading spinnerOverride the built in default Loading Spinner which is used while loading the attachment previewbuttonsSendMessageButtonsundefinedOverride the built in buttonscustomFactoriesCustomFactoriesundefinedExtend or override the built in message type factoriesdisableAttachmentsbooleanfalseRemove the send attachment button and the functionality to send attachmentsattachmentFileTypesArray<FileType>all available file typesProvide an array with a subset of available file types (e.g. only support uploading of images, videos and audio files)isUploadingbooleanfalseDisplay an upload indicator, useful while uploading an attachment

Custom factories

To override or extend the functionality of the existing message types, you can provide an object with React components, which will be used instead of the built-in ones. The only thing you have to do is, to provide an object with type names (typing, text, image, video, audio, file) and as value an object with a hasText element (renders text element of ChatMessage) and factory which is a reference to the component you want to render. The ChatMessage is provided as a prop message. The loading spinner (either custom or default one) is provided as the loadingSpinner prop and is useful when you want to hide loading of visuals (e.g. images).

Custom factories with TypeScript

If you want to use TypeScript and add a new message type, you need to declare it first. You can simply use the following snippet to add a message type called test:

declare module "react-chat-module" {
    export interface MessageTypeMap {
        test: "test";



The type FileType is a union type consisting of “audio”, “video”, “image”, “document” and “any”. It’s used to describe the input file of an attachment.


Specifies the type of message. This union type consists per default of “typing”, “text”, “photo”, “video” and “file” and is extendable (details).


Interface for a simple message and is provided from the OnSend callback.

export interface Message {
    createdAt: Date;
    type: MessageType;
    text?: string;
    attachment?: File;


Extends the Message interface:

export interface Message {
    messageId: string;
    senderId: string | number;
    profilePicture?: string;
    name?: string;
    photo?: string;
    video?: string;
    file?: FileMessage;
    read?: boolean;
    audio?: string;

Extendable like described earlier, if you need additional information for your custom message component.


Type for providing messages of type file:

export interface FileMessage {
    fileType: string;
    fileName: string;
    file: string;


Replace the default send message buttons with custom JSX elements:

export interface SendMessageButtons {
    send: JSX.Element;


Feel free to submit PRs or open issues.


MIT © Marius Butz


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