Next.js Empowered: Feature-Rich and Customizable AI Web App Template

AI Fusion Kit

A feature-rich, highly customizable AI Web App Template, empowered by Next.js.


Desktop ScreenshotMobile Screenshot



Main stacks


  1. Clone the repo
git clone
  1. Install dependencies
yarn install
  1. Setup your supabase schema
 create table profiles (
   id uuid default uuid_generate_v4() primary key,
   updated_at timestamp default now(),
   username text,
   full_name text,
   avatar_url text,
   website text

 create table apps (
   id uuid default uuid_generate_v4() primary key,
   name text not null,
   description text,
   createdAt timestamp default now(),
   updatedAt timestamp default now(),
   slug text not null,
   logoUrl text

 create table chats (
   id uuid default uuid_generate_v4() primary key,
   name text,
   createdAt timestamp default now(),
   updatedAt timestamp default now(),
   profileId uuid references profiles (id),
   appId uuid references apps (id),
   settings json

 create table messages (
   id uuid default uuid_generate_v4() primary key,
   role public.message_role,
   content text,
   createdAt timestamp default now(),
   updatedAt timestamp default now(),
   profileId uuid references profiles (id),
   chatId uuid references chats (id)
  1. Create a new .env file based on the example defined in .env.example.
Note: You should not commit your .env file or it will expose secrets that will allow others to control access to your various OpenAI and authentication provider accounts.

Run Locally

  1. Go to the project directory
  cd ai-fusion-kit
  1. Start the web app
  yarn dev


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