Next.js-Powered Open-Source Collaborative Bookmark Manager


Intro & motivation

Linkwarden is a self-hosted, open-source collaborative bookmark manager to collect, organize and archive webpages. The objective is to organize useful webpages and articles you find across the web in one place, and since useful webpages can go away (see the inevitability of Link Rot), Linkwarden also saves a copy of each webpage as a Screenshot and PDF, ensuring accessibility even if the original content is no longer available.

Additionally, Linkwarden is designed with collaboration in mind, sharing links with the public and/or allowing multiple users to work together seamlessly.

Note Our official Cloud offering provides the simplest way to begin using Linkwarden and it’s the preferred choice for many due to its time-saving benefits. Your subscription supports our hosting infrastructure and ongoing development. Alternatively, if you prefer self-hosting Linkwarden, no problem! You’ll still have access to all the premium features.

A bit of a “history”


  • 📸 Auto capture a screenshot and a PDF of each link.
  • 📂 Organize links by collection, name, description and multiple tags.
  • 👥 Collaborate on gathering links in a collection.
  • 🔐 Customize the permissions of each member.
  • 🌐 Share your collected links with the world.
  • 📌 Pin your favorite links to dashboard.
  • 🔍 Search, filter and sort by link details.
  • 📱 Responsive design and supports most browsers.
  • 🌓 Dark/Light mode support.
  • 🧩 Browser extension, managed by the community check it out!
  • ⬇️ Import your bookmarks from other browsers.


We usually go after the popular suggestions. Feel free to open a new issue to suggest one – others might be interested too! 🙂


Make sure to check out our public roadmap.


For information on how to get started or to set up your own instance, please visit the documentation.

Main Tech Stack

  • NextJS
  • TypeScript
  • Tailwind
  • Prisma
  • Zustand


If you want to contribute, Thanks! Start by checking our public roadmap, there you’ll see a README for contributers for the rest of the info on how to contribute to this repo.


If you found a security vulnerability, please do not create a public issue, instead send an email to stating the vulnerability. Thanks!


Support ❤

Other than using our official Cloud offering, any donations are highly appreciated as well!

Here are the other ways to support/cheer this project:

  • Starring this repository.
  • Joining us on Discord.
  • Following @daniel31x13 on MastodonTwitter and GitHub.
  • Referring Linkwarden to a friend.

If you did any of the above, Thanksss! Otherwise thanks.


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