Presenting a remarkable React Form Wizard Component equipped with validation and a progress bar

Presenting a remarkable React Form Wizard Component equipped with validation and a progress bar:

Cutting-edge React Form Wizard: Seamlessly Navigate Forms with Validation and Progress Tracking

React Form Wizard Component

A react form wizard component with validation and progress bar with no external dependencies which simplifies tab wizard management.

View Demo View Github


To install the package, you can use npm or yarn:

npm install react-form-wizard-component



yarn add react-form-wizard-component



Import the FormWizard component and use it in your React application:

import FormWizard from "react-form-wizard-component";
import "react-form-wizard-component/dist/style.css";

function App() {
  const handleComplete = () => {
    console.log("Form completed!");
    // Handle form completion logic here
  const tabChanged = ({
  }: {
    prevIndex: number;
    nextIndex: number;
  }) => {
    console.log("prevIndex", prevIndex);
    console.log("nextIndex", nextIndex);

  return (
        <FormWizard.TabContent title="Personal details" icon="ti-user">
          {/* Add your form inputs and components for the frst step */}
          <h1>First Tab</h1>
          <p>Some content for the first tab</p>
        <FormWizard.TabContent title="Additional Info" icon="ti-settings">
          <h1>Second Tab</h1>
          <p>Some content for the second tab</p>
        <FormWizard.TabContent title="Last step" icon="ti-check">
          <h1>Last Tab</h1>
          <p>Some content for the last tab</p>
      {/* add style */}
        @import url("");

export default App;

React TSX


The FormWizard component accepts the following props:

  • title (optional): The title of the form wizard. It can be a string or a ReactNode.
  • subtitle (optional): The subtitle or description of the form wizard.
  • shape (optional): The shape of the wizard tabs (e.g., "circle", "square").
  • color (optional): The color of the wizard tabs and progress bar.
  • children (required): The content of the form wizard, including the form tabs and their content.
  • nextButtonText (optional): The text for the "Next" button.
  • backButtonText (optional): The text for the "Back" button.
  • finishButtonText (optional): The text for the "Finish" button.
  • stepSize (optional): The size of the steps (e.g., "xs", "sm", "md", "lg").
  • layout (optional): The layout of the form wizard (e.g., "horizontal", "vertical").
  • onComplete (optional): A callback function to be called when the form wizard is completed.
  • onTabChange (optional): A callback function to be called when the active tab is changed.

The FormWizard.TabContent component is used to define each tab's content and accepts the following props:

  • title (required): The title of the tab.
  • icon (required): The icon for the tab.
  • children (required): The content of the tab.

Refer to the component's source code or documentation for additional props and details.


You can find examples of using the react-form-wizard-component in the examples directory.


This package is licensed under the MIT License.

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