React Portfolio Website with Tailwind CSS and TypeScript

Portfolio Webseite

This is a portfolio website built using React, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript. The website showcases my skills and projects as a full-stack developer. For the contactform i used a backend, which is build on node.js and express.



You can also check out the live demo of the portfolio website here.


  • SEO optimized
  • User settings stored in session storage
  • Dark and Light mode available
  • Easy data modification through a single data.tsx file
  • Gziped and lazy loaded Data
  • Developed first with the Mobile First methodology, then for desktop.
  • Compatible with all mobile devices and with a beautiful and pleasant user interface.
  • Smooth scrolling in each section.Contains animations when scrolling.
  • Uptime Service with colored animation


Clone the Repo

  git clone <reponame>

Installation of dependencies

npm i or npm install

Start Server

npm run dev

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file. See .env-init in root directory



Tech Stack

Client: React, React Router Dom, Tailwind CSS, Typescript, Axios, Framer Motion, GSAP, Prism React Renderer, React Icons, React Intersection Observer, React Toastify, React Tooltip, Reactjs Popup, Swiper, Rollup Plugin Gzip

Server: Node, Express, NodeMailer


If you find this project helpful or would like to support my work, you can ⭐ this Repo


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