ReactJS and Firebase-powered Online Shop Application


Environmental variable file

For admin (.env.local)



For consumer (.env.local)





Data model

    "banner": [
        "homeBanner": {
            "images": "<string-array>",

    "category": {
        "id": "<string>",
        "name": "<string>",
        "createdAt": "<long>",
        "createdBy": "<string>",
        "updatedAt": "<long>",
        "updatedBy": "<string>"

    "author": {
        "id": "<string>",
        "name": "<string>",
        "createdAt": "<long>",
        "createdBy": "<string>",
        "updatedAt": "<long>",
        "updatedBy": "<string>"

    "book": {
        "id": "<string>",
        "name": "<string>",
        "nameLowercase": "<string>",
        "price": "<number>",
        "discount": {
            "value": "<number",
            "type": "percent | fixed"
        "isDiscount": "<boolean>",
        "newArrival": "<boolean>",
        "popular": "<boolean>",
        "available": "<boolean>",
        "code": "<string>",
        "publishedYear": "<number>",
        "numberOfPages": "<number>",
        "publisher": "<string>",
        "edition": "<string>",
        "images": "<string-array>",
        "hidden": "<boolean>",
        "description": "<html-string>",
        "category": "<categoryId>",
        "author": "<authorId>",
        "createdAt": "<long>",
        "createdBy": "<string>",
        "updatedAt": "<long>",
        "updatedBy": "<string>"

    "order": {
        "id": "<string>",
        "orderNumber": "<string>",
        "customer": "<string>",
        "phoneNumber": "<string>",
        "address": "<string>",
        "totalProduct": "<number>",
        "subtotal": "<number>",
        "totalPrice": "<number>",
        "discount": "<number>",
        "deliveryFee": "<number>",
        "status": "<string>",
        "items": [
                "quantity": "<number>",
                "unitPrice": "<number>",
                "discount": "<number>",
                "price": "<number>",
                "productId": "<string>",
                "product:": "<embedded>"
        "createdAt": "<long>",
        "updatedAt": "<long>",
        "updatedBy": "<string>"

    "notification": {
        "id": "<string>",
        "title": "<string>",
        "description": "<string>",
        "createdAt": "<long>",
        "createdBy": "<string>"

    "setting": {
        "generalSetting": {
            "aboutUs": "<string>",
            "termsAndConditions": "<string>",
            "appStoreUrl": "<string>",
            "playStoreUrl": "<string>",
            "contact": {
                "phoneNumbers": "<array>",
                "email": "<string>",
                "address": "<string>",
                "location": {
                    "lat": "<double>",
                    "lon": "<double>"
            "socialMedias": {
                "facebook": "<string>",
                "twitter": "<string>",
                "instagram": "<string>"
            "updatedAt": "<long>",
            "updatedBy": "<string>"
        "productSetting": {
            "publishers": "<array>",
            "editions": "<array>",
            "updatedAt": "<long>",
            "updatedBy": "<string>"
        "orderSetting": {
            "minimumOrderLimitPerProduct": "<number>",
            "payments": [
                    "method": "<string>",
                    "number": "<string>"
            "updatedAt": "<long>",
            "updatedBy": "<string>"

Firebase setup


This project use firebase auth for admin login with email and password. This project manually need to create admin users in firebase auth. After you created users, you need admin users’ uid for security rule setup up to restrict your resources (firestore and storage) access.

  1. Setup firebase auth
  2. Add admin users manually with email and password
  3. Add a collection naming users in firestore
  4. Add document to users collection with id and field admin for each auth users
  • id (uid from firebase auth)
  • admin (boolean type with value true)


Collections as shown in data model

  • banners
  • authors
  • categories
  • books
  • orders
  • users
  • settings

Note You will also need to create firestore composite indexes for books and orders for data query filtering.

# Security rule
rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {
    function isAdmin() {
      return get(/databases/$(database)/documents/users/$(request.auth.uid)).data.admin == true;

    match /orders/{document=**} {
    	allow create: if true;
    match /{document=**} {
      allow read: if true;
      allow write: if isAdmin();


This project need to create banners and books folders for storing images.

# Security rule
rules_version = '2';
service {
  match /b/{bucket}/o {
    function canAccess() {
      return request.auth.uid in ['your-admin-uids'];
    match /{allPaths=**} {
      allow read: if true;
      allow write: if canAccess(); 



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