Relaxed Style and Lifestyle Brand: Your One-Stop E-commerce Destination

A Casual Wear and Lifestyle Brand and E-commerce platform

[Deployed URL] (

-Ecommerce Website StyleHub is a Casual Wear and Lifestyle Brand and E-commerce platform. StyleHub is a one stop shop for all your fashion and lifestyle needs. Being India’s largest e-commerce store for fashion and lifestyle products, StyleHub aims at providing a hassle free and enjoyable shopping experience to shoppers across the country with the widest range of brands and products on its portal. The brand is making a conscious effort to bring the power of fashion to shoppers with an array of the latest and trendiest products available in the country.

Technologies used

  • React
  • Redux
  • Html
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Chakra UI
  • React Icons

Installing and Running

To run this application on your local system

  • Clone the Repository
  • Install npm packages
  • Run the application


  • There is login and logout functionality.
  • Elegant navbar for easy navigation between pages and categories.
  • Product Pages where all the products are displayed using Api.
  • Single Product Page on clicking Each Product carrying description of that product.
  • Cart with Crud Operations.
  • Payment Pages.
  • Footer for navigating to different social Media Pages.

Steps to navigate the website:

  • On opening the application the user is taken to the landing Page which have a Navbar to navigate to different Section of the application.
  • On the Landing Page Navbar, user can click on Website Logo in Navbar to navigate to categories where all the categories of the products available are displayed.
  • There are three categories available Men/Women/Kids.
  • Product Pages containing all the Products available with options of sort and filter according to users requirements.
  • Single Product Page to view the description of each and every Product.
  • Cart Page with of add/delete the product.
  • Payment Pages with form validation.

Contributors (Group)

  1. Bharat Sharma (Team-Lead)
  2. Rahul Singh Kushwah
  3. Sakshi Mulekar


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