Revamp Your Car Showcase Website with NEXT.js and Rapid API Integration

Getting Started

First, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying app/page.tsx. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

Motor Marvel – A Stunning Car Showcase

Discover the world of cars like never before with Motor Marvel, a visually captivating car showcasing website.

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I have placed some ‘hero.png’ images in the ‘public’ folder for you to try out different versions of ‘hero.png’ files. Feel free to modify the project and experiment with color codes.



  • Visually Appealing Hero Section: Our hero section welcomes you with open arms, adorned with a custom logo meticulously crafted in Figma. It’s where your journey begins, setting the tone for what lies ahead.
  • Car Catalogue: Dive into our extensive car catalogue, powered by the Cars by API-Ninjas from Rapid API. By default, it showcases a curated selection of cars, ready to spark your curiosity.
  • Search & Filter: Looking for a specific car manufacturer or model? Our search feature has got you covered. Filter cars by fuel type (gas, electric) and manufacturing year to find your dream ride.
  • Car Cards: Each car card is a treasure trove of information, featuring car titles, daily rental prices, transmission details, driving options, and fuel economy figures. Click “View More” to unveil the full story.
  • Modal Magic: The magic happens when you click “View More.” A tailor-made modal, crafted using Tailwind CSS and Headless UI Components, unveils an image gallery and comprehensive car details, from MPG statistics to make and model specifics.
  • Infinite Exploration: Can’t get enough? Click “Show More” to load even more cars, ensuring you never run out of vehicles to discover.
  • Fully Responsive: Whether you’re browsing on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone, Motor Marvel adapts seamlessly to your device, ensuring a delightful experience.

Key Features & Functionalities

✨ Visually stunning hero section with a compelling call-to-action. 🚗 Extensive car catalogue with a wide range of vehicles. 🧐 Search functionality for car makers and models. ⛽ Filter and sort by fuel type (gas, electric) and manufacturing year. 📜 Detailed car cards with essential information. 📷 Image gallery and comprehensive details in a modal. 🔄 “Show More” button for infinite exploration. 📱 Fully responsive design for all devices.

Technologies Used

  • React and TypeScript power the frontend.
  • Next.js 13 leverages server-side rendering and the app router.
  • Tailwind CSS ensures a sleek and modern UI.
  • Vercel handles deployment, making the website lightning-fast.

Goals & Objectives

  • Harness the power of Next.js 13 for a cutting-edge web experience.
  • Deliver advanced search and filtering capabilities.
  • Optimize metadata and SEO for better visibility.
  • Provide custom filter elements, combo boxes, and elegant modals.
  • Maintain a well-organized codebase with a focus on clean coding principles.


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