Seamless Marquee Magic: Vue 3 Component with Lightweight CSS Animations

Vue Fast Marquee

A lightweight Vue 3 component that harnesses the power of CSS animations to create silky smooth marquees. (Inspired by react-fast-marquee)



# if you're using npm
npm i vue-fast-marquee

# if you're using yarn
yarn add vue-fast-marquee

# if you're using pnpm
pnpm i vue-fast-marquee


The most common use case is to register the component globally.

// main.js or similar
import "vue-fast-marquee/style.css"; // import the styles

import { createApp } from 'vue';
import Marquee from 'vue-fast-marquee';


Alternatively you can also import the component locally.

<script setup>
import { Marquee } from 'vue-fast-marquee';

You can then use the component in your template.

<script setup>
import { Marquee } from 'vue-fast-marquee';
import MyComponent from '../components/MyComponent.vue';

        <MyComponent />
        <MyComponent />
        <MyComponent />


PropertyTypeDefaultDescriptionstyleCSSProperties{}Inline style for the container divclassNamestring""Name of the css class to style the container divautoFillbooleanfalseWhether to automatically fill blank space in the marquee with copies of the children or notplaybooleantrueWhether to play or pause the marqueepauseOnHoverbooleanfalseWhether to pause the marquee when hoveredpauseOnClickbooleanfalseWhether to pause the marquee when clickeddirection"left" | "right"| "up"| "down""left"The direction the marquee slides Warning: Vertical marquees are currently experimental and may be buggy. Please swap the values of the marquee’s height and width when setting themspeednumber50Speed calculated as pixels/seconddelaynumber0Duration to delay the animation after render, in secondsloopnumber0The number of times the marquee should loop, 0 is equivalent to infinitegradientbooleanfalseWhether to show the gradient or notgradientColorstringwhiteThe color of the gradientgradientWidthnumber | string200The width of the gradient on either side


Event NameDescriptionfinishEmitted when the marquee finishes scrolling and stops. Only calls if loop is non-zero.cycleCompleteEmitted when the marquee finishes a loop. Does not call if maximum loops are reached (use onFinish instead).


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