Streamlining Bookings: Exploring the Efficiency of a React-powered Booking Application




  • Register: Users can create an account by providing their name, email, and password. Passwords are securely encrypted.

Register pageregister succesfully

  • log in succesfully
  • hom page 2

  • seprate page 2

  • image

  • Click on add a new place to add your placeadd new placesForm to fill up information
  • Photo Upload: Users can upload photos for their places, either by selecting files from their device or providing a URL for the photo Url:
  • add a photo by linkphoto added
  • From Device
  • upload form deviceselecting photo from devicephot added by upload
  • You can also delete and select a photo as a favorite that photo should be displayed on your front page and your accommodation section You can select the star to make it your favorite photo and if you want to delete click on the delete button
  • image
  • Other informationimageadded to my accomoodation
  • Edit Accommodation Details: Users can edit the details of their own accommodations, including title, address, description, price, check-in/check-out times, the maximum number of guests, and additional information.
  • edit  the accomondationsupdated
  • Database:image


  • User Registration and Authentication: Users can create accounts and log in securely with encrypted passwords. Password is encrypted using bcryptimage
  • Place Listings: Users can view a list of available accommodations with details such as title, address, description, price, and photos.
  • Booking Management: Users can make bookings for desired places, specify check-in/check-out dates, number of guests, and view their booking details.
  • Profile Management: Users can view and update their profile information, including name, email, and contact details.
  • File Upload: Users can upload photos for their places or their profile picture, either by selecting files from their device or providing a URL for the photo.
  • Edit Accommodation Details: Users can edit the details of their own accommodations, including title, address, description, price, check-in/check-out times, the maximum number of guests, and additional information.

Technologies Used

  • Front-end: React, React Router DOM, Axios
  • Back-end: Node.js, Express.js
  • Database: MongoDB, Mongoose
  • Authentication: JSON Web Tokens (JWT), bcrypt.js
  • File Upload: Multer
  • HTTP Requests: Axios
  • Styling: CSS


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