StreamlitCurrency: Customize Your Currency Input Field with Streamlit

Streamlit Customised Currency Input Field

Welcome to the Streamlit Customised Currency Input Field project. This project provides a customised input field for Streamlit applications that is designed to handle large currency values.

Screenshot of the input field


Currently, the component has the following features:

  • Conversion of shorthand notations:
  • ‘k’ is converted to thousand (1,000)
  • ‘m’ is converted to million (1,000,000)
  • ‘b’ is converted to billion (1,000,000,000)
  • Input field formatting: The input field is formatted as a currency field, including the $ sign.


To use this package, download the .whl file from the dist directory in the repository. Install it by running:

pip install /path_to_your_file/your_file.whl


Here’s a simple Streamlit script that uses the custom currency input field:

import streamlit as st
import karina_input_ccy as kinput

st.title("Test project")
amount = kinput.karina_input_ccy(name="test_field", label="Currency Input Field (AUD)")

Extending This Component


To set the application to development mode, change _RELEASE to False in the file found in the /karina_input_ccy directory.

To start the web server for the React component, open a command prompt, navigate to your local directory /karina_input_ccy/frontend, and enter the command npm start.

To start the web server that hosts the Streamlit code for testing changes, open a different command prompt, navigate to your local directory /karina_input_ccy, and enter the command streamlit run

Modify the KarinaInputCcy.tsx file to add more features. Then, you can test your newly implemented functionalities.


To build the project, first navigate to the /karina_input_ccy/frontend directory in a command prompt and enter npm run build.

Afterwards, set _RELEASE to True in the file under /karina_input_ccy.

Next, navigate to the parent directory where the file is located and run the command python sdist bdist_wheel. This will update the .whl and .gz files in the dist folder.

Finally, commit your changes and create a pull request.


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