StudyMate: Empowering Students with an Organizational Web Application for Study Materials


Brain-Box is a web application that allows students to organize and manage their study materials, including subjects, chapters, notes, and video links.


  • Authentication: Users can sign up and log in to the Brain-Box using their email and password.
  • Subjects and Chapters: Users can create, view, and organize subjects and their corresponding chapters.
  • Notes and Video Links: Users can add and manage notes and video links for each chapter.
  • Real-time Updates: Any additions or deletions made to subjects, chapters, notes, or video links are instantly updated in the application.


Home Page


Sign Up page


Login page


Dashboard Pages :


Tech Stack

  • Frontend: React, React Router, Firebase Authentication, Tailwind CSS
  • Backend: Firebase Cloud Firestore
  • Deployment: Vercel

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Install dependencies:
  • cd Brain-Box
  • npm install
  1. Set up Firebase:
  • Create a new Firebase project at
  • Enable Email/Password sign-in in Firebase Authentication.
  • Create a Firestore database and set up the required collections and documents as per the project structure.
  1. Configure Firebase in the application:
  • In the src/firebase.js file, replace the Firebase configuration with your own configuration from the Firebase Console.
  1. Start the development server: npm start

The application will be accessible at http://localhost:3000.


If you find any bugs or want to contribute to this project, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


  • The application was built using React and Firebase.
  • The UI is styled using Tailwind CSS.
  • Thanks to OpenAI for providing the GPT-3.5 language model, which was of great help during this project.


For any inquiries, you can reach us at


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