Tailwind-Powered Vue Table Component


This is a Table component for Vue.js

VueTable demo


npm i @harv46/vue-table

Basic usage example

<script setup>
import { VueTable  } from "@harv46/vue-table"
import "@harv46/vue-table/dist/style.css"

const header = ["Name", "Age"]
const keys=["name", "age"]

const data = [{
    name: "Example Name 1",
    age: 22
}, {
    name: "Example Name 2",
    age: 17

      <VueTable :headers="header" :data="data" :keys="keys" />

Dark mode

      <VueTable :headers="header" :data="data" :keys="keys" dark />

Advance usage example

<script setup>
    import { VueTable  } from "@harv46/vue-table"
    import "@harv46/vue-table/dist/style.css"
    const headers = ["id", "name", "amount", "status", "Created By"];
    const keyValue = [
        ["createdUser", "user", "name"],

    {/* getData[0].createdUser.user.name || [ ["createdUser", "user", "name"] ] */}

    {/* get data from api || store */}
    const getData = () => {}

    <VueTable :headers="headers" :keys="keyValue" :data="getData">
        <template #th>
            <th> Actions</th>
        <template #td="{ item }">
            {/* item will be the object in a row */}
            <td class="flex">
                <DeleteIcon @click="deleteItem(item.id)" />
                <EditIcon @click="edit(item)" />


PropDescriptionDefaultdataData to be rendered[]headersheading of the table[]keysKeys of the table data (can be nested)[]darkDark modefalse


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