Transforming Vue components to composable functions


Transforming Vue components to composable functions (Draw UI with components, Access/Control with composables)

NPM Version


When should I use this?

In certain use cases (e.g. confirm, dialog, toast), composable functions can provide greater flexibility and ease of use than components.


npm i vue-c2c




interface VueC2COptions {
   * Display style of the component.
   * @default 'v-if'
  display?: 'v-if' | 'v-show'
   * Visible of the component.
   * @default false
  visible?: boolean
   * Return a placeholder component that allows specifying the insertion position.
   * @default false
  withPlaceholder?: T
   * Function that returns an HTMLElement where the component should be appended to.
   * Only applies if `withPlaceholder` option is false.
   * @default ()=> document.body
  appendTo?: () => HTMLElement
<script setup>
  import { c2c } from 'vue-c2c'
  import Dialog from './Dialog.vue'

  const useDialog = c2c(Dialog, VueC2COptions)

  const { visible, show, hide, toggle, exposed } = useDialog(props, {
    emits: {
      onOk: () => {},
      onCancel: () => {},


withPlaceholder Option

withPlaceholder option provides two additional features:

  • Element placeholder:
The element placeholder functionality allows us to specify the location of created elements in a more flexible manner.
  • Friendly SSR support:
If you’re working on an SSR project (e.g. Nuxt), use withPlaceholder option for better SSR support.
<script setup>
  import { c2c } from 'vue-c2c'
  import Dialog from './Dialog.vue'

  const useDialog = c2c(Dialog, {
    withPlaceholder: true,

  const { Placeholder, visible, show, hide, toggle, exposed } = useDialog(props, {
    emits: {
      onOk: () => {},
      onCancel: () => {},

    Hello World



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