Turborepo-Powered Monorepo App: Harnessing Next.js 14, Shadcn-UI, Stripe, and More



Turbocharge your project with this monorepo starter. It comes with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Shadcn-ui, Server components, and more.

About The Project



  • Monorepo with Turborepo
  • Responsive marketing site
  • SEO friendly
  • blog using MDX
  • Server and Client Components
  • Authentication using NextAuth.js
  • UI components built using shadcn-ui
  • Dark and light mode
  • ORM using Prisma
  • Subscriptions using Stripe
  • Responsive dashboard
  • Validations using Zod
  • Written in TypeScript

Built with

  • Next.js (v14 with app dir) and React
  • Typescript
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Shadcn-ui as starter components

Getting Started

If you want to clone the project and use turbocharger as your starter project


  • Star the repo
  • Fork this project
  • config env variable (see .env.exemple)


  • Init project
  • Linting tools
  • Home page
  • Pricing page
  • Blog
  • App layout
  • Subscriptions using stripe
  • Add Vercel deploy button

Sites using turbocharger

We will be happy to mention you here, just make a pull request and we will add you


See the contribution guide and join our amazing list of contributors!


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Mehdi BHAMehdi BHA


View Github

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