Vue 3 Spline Animation Component: Simplifying Spline Animations in Vue 3

Vue 3 Spline

Add Spline animations to your Vue 3 or Nuxt 3 application.

vue3-spline was created to facilitate developers in integrating Spline animations into their Vue 3 applications. During my quest for an uncomplicated method to incorporate Spline animations into my Vue project, I discovered a noticeable absence of up-to-date solutions. vue3-spline serves as a Vue wrapper around the spline-runtime library, enriched with several additional features.

Installation and Usage

Vue 3

  • You can install vue3-spline over yarnnpm or pnpm. spline-runtimeis a dependency ofvue3-splineand should be automatically installed when you installvue3-spline`.

If you are using npm:

npm install vue3-spline@latest --save

If you are using yarn:

yarn add vue3-spline@latest

If you are using pnpm:

pnpm install vue3-spline@latest
  • Register the component in your Vue 3 application.

The most common use case is to register the component globally.

// main.js
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import Vue3Spline from 'vue3-spline'


If you get an error with TS, try use(Vue3Spline, { name: "Vue3Spline" })

To define global components for Volar type-checking you will need to add:

// components.d.ts
declare module '@vue/runtime-core' {
  export interface GlobalComponents {
    SplineAnimation: typeof import('vue3-spline')['Vue3Spline']
export {}

If needed rename component to use:

app.use(Vue3Spline, { name: 'SplineAnimation' }) // use in template <SplineAnimation />
  • name string (default: ‘Vue3Spline’) – set custom component name

Alternatively you can also import the component locally.

import { Vue3Spline } from 'vue3-spline'

export default {
  components: {

You can then use the component in your template

      url: '',

import { Vue3Spline } from 'vue3-spline'

export default {
  components: {

Nuxt 3

This is still experimental. Will be updated soon.

  • You can install vue3-spline over yarn or npmspline-runtime is a dependency of vue3-spline and should be automatically installed when you install vue3-spline.

If you are using npm:

npm install vue3-spline@latest --save

If you are using yarn:

yarn add vue3-spline@latest
  • Create a folder called plugins at the root of your project.
  • Create a file named Vue3Spline.client.ts inside the plugins directory.
  • Add the following code to the Vue3Spline.client.ts file.
import Vue3Spline from 'vue3-spline'

export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {

If you get an error with TS, try use(Vue3Spline, { name: "Vue3Spline" })

This should register as a global component that you can call anywhere in your app under the tag.

I would recommend using a <client-only> parent tag to ensure that the animation only loads in on the client side.

      url: '',

Contribute to vue3-spline

👋 Hey there! If you’ve made it this far, first off, thank you for using vue3-spline. This plugin was crafted with love, dedication, and a vision to simplify the integration of Spline animations into Vue 3 projects. However, the journey doesn’t end here!

The world of open source thrives on the contributions of passionate developers like you. Whether you’ve spotted a bug, thought of a new feature, or just want to improve the existing code – your contributions are not just welcomed, but earnestly encouraged.


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