Vue.js-Powered Self-Hosted URL Checker

URL Checker

URL Checker is a self-hosted solution which can help you to detect any unwanted changes in the (images) sitemap(s) of your websites.


✅ Check every URLs present in a sitemap ✅ Parallelized checks ?️ ✅ Support both regular and images sitemap (except sitemap index) ✅ Build a report with stats, pie chart, URLs list… ✅ Compare with previous report ✅ Paginated, sortable and filterable URLs list ✅ Follow website internal redirections ✅ Export all URL in CSV format ✅ Group reports by website ✅ Quickly check a specific URL ✅ Real time changes propagation across all users ✅ Documented GraphQL API ✅ Translated in English and French ✅ Easy setup



screenshotscreenshotscreenshotHomepageWebsitesWebsite reports

Report details

screenshotscreenshotscreenshotReport details (1)Report details (2)Report details (3)

Report details (invalid sitemap)

screenshotscreenshotscreenshotReport details (1)Report details (2)Report details (3)



Both API and Webapp use pnpm as package manager so you have to install it first.


Depending of your system, instructions may need to be slightly adapted but the basics are:


This project is gracefully sponsored by:

logo Le Guide du PatrimoineLe Guide du Patrimoine


Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.


This project is licensed under GPLv3 or later with Commons Clause.


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