Vuetify-Sonner - Stackable toast component for Vuetify.


Stackable toast component for Vuetify.


npm install vuetify-sonner


Add <VSonner /> to your app, it will be the place where all your toasts will be rendered. After that you can use toast() from anywhere in your app.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { VSonner, toast } from 'vuetify-sonner'

    <VSonner />
    <VBtn @click="toast('My first toast')">
      Give me a toast


Most basic toast. You can customize it by passing an options object as the second argument.

toast('My first toast')

With description:

toast('Event has been created', {
  description: 'Monday, January 3rd at 6:00pm',


Renders a button.

toast('Event has been created', {
  action: {
    label: 'Undo',
    onClick: () => console.log('Undo'),


Behind the scenes, the toast component use Vuetify Cards since the snackbar component has it’s own overlay logic.


You can change the position through the position prop on the component. Default is bottom-center.

<VSonner position="top-center" />


Toasts can also be expanded by default through the expand prop. You can also change the amount of visible toasts which is 3 by default.

<VSonner expand :visible-toasts="9" />

Styling a toast

toast('Event has been created', {
  cardProps: {
    color: 'success',
    class: 'my-toast',

Programmatically remove toast

To remove a toast programmatically use toast.dismiss(id).

const toastId = toast('Event has been created')


You can also use the dismiss method without the id to dismiss all toasts.

// Removes all toasts



You can change the duration of each toast by using the duration property, or change the duration of all toasts like this:

<VSonner :duration="10000" />
toast('Event has been created', {
  duration: 10000,

// Persisent toast
toast('Event has been created', {
  duration: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,

On Close Callback

You can pass onDismiss and onAutoClose callbacks. onDismiss gets fired when either the close button gets clicked or the toast is swiped. onAutoClose fires when the toast disappears automatically after it’s timeout (duration prop).

toast('Event has been created', {
  onDismiss: t => console.log(`Toast with id ${} has been dismissed`),
  onAutoClose: t => console.log(`Toast with id ${} has been closed automatically`),

Keyboard focus

You can focus on the toast area by pressing ⌥/alt + T. You can override it by providing an array of event.code values for each key.

<VSonner :hotkey="['KeyC']" />




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